Good Morning Cherokees!
It’s Tuesday, March 11, 2025
1. The March FFA Chapter meeting will be this Friday during SRT.
2. We will be conducting a storm drill at 9:15 AM to align with the statewide Emergency Alert System's test of the notification system. During this time, the emergency sirens will sound, and cell phones will receive alerts as part of the test.
3. Congratulations to Jett Gheaja for being named First Team Academic All State for boys basketball. Also congratulations to Brady Walters & Jacob Kolan for being selected Honorable Mention Academic All State.
4. FCA is hosting another epic guest speaker on Thursday morning! Bring your friends to hear 2024 graduate Noah Andres.
5. Seniors!!!! BABY pictures and SENIOR pictures are due before Spring Break for the graduation senior slideshow! Please start the search now by choosing your favorite pictures. We only need one of each. Email the pictures to Mrs. Tomak ( If you need help scanning in pictures, don't hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Tomak as well.
6. Student Council elections are right around the corner! We will be holding elections for a new President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. (The office of President is reserved for Juniors and Seniors.) If you are interested, please pick up a form in the high school office and have it turned in to Ms. Bell NO LATER than March 17th.Elections will take place at the StuCo meeting on Friday, March 21st.
7. Prom ticket sales are March 18th-20th! See Mrs. Braun and Mrs. Tomak in the morning outside the cafeteria. Tickets are $60 each. Late ticket purchases will be available after Spring Break on Tuesday and Wednesday April 1st and 2nd for $65 each. You must have your approved guest form with you AND grand march paragraph submitted in google classroom in order to purchase tickets! If you still need the prom google classroom code check these announcements (75gln3e).
8. As a reminder to all students 6-12, we currently have a fundraiser going on for the Watkins family. You can donate in either the office or Mrs. Braun’s room! We’ll need a lot of duct tape to keep me stuck to the wall!
9. Just a reminder that 11th grade SAT’s are scheduled for 03/12/25 - please do not book any doctor appointments for this time. We want all students to be present!
Lunch: Beef nachos with toppings, refried beans and corn
Choice: Chicken Nachos with toppings
Officer: Damjanovic
"ATTENTION ALL JUNIORS you will be SAT testing tomorrow during periods 1-4. Please report directly to your assigned testing room promptly by 7:45. Testing locations have been shared with students via google classroom, email, and testing rosters have been posted outside of the following teachers doors:
Ms. Thompson, Ms. Burke in D113, Ms. Wells, and Mr. Ennis.
Please be sure to report to school tomorrow ON TIME with a fully charged Chromebook and your calculator."
The 7th Grade Lady Cherokees picked a great time to play their best game of the year and defeated Westville in the 1st Round of the PCC Tournament Monday night, 27-11.They were led by Jackie Drozd with 8 points, 7 rebounds, 6 steals and an assist, Shaina Otey with 9 points, 3 steals, 2 rebounds, and 2 assists, and Anna Muhleman with 4 points, 3 rebounds, and a steal. They play again Tuesday night at South Central at 5pm. Come Cheer us on!! I pledge allegiance to the flag………. And now a moment of silence……..It's a great day to be a Cherokee |