Our School


Morgan Township School is a family. As a staff we try to make a difference on a daily basis with each of our students. Our teachers and administrators are highly qualified individuals, who are not only professionals, but caring individuals as well. Due to the nature of our small school, we are able to get to know our students and their families. This allows to help our students enhance their strengths while improving upon weaknesses. Even though we are a small school, we offer a wide array of activities and opportunities for students. We are also continuously improving our programs by reviewing them and adding new items and fresh ideas each year. 

Morgan Township Consolidated School began in the fall of 1922 with 21 high school students. The consolidation of at least seven one-room schools in Morgan Township brought together these 21 students in the first four year high school in Morgan Township. The seven schools which made up the consolidation were the following:

  • Adams School across from where Adams’ Cemetery is, was located at the corner of present day roads 150 East and 250 South

  • Rising Sun School located on the west side of County Road 300 East halfway between 300 and 400 South

  • Flitter School, between 400 South and 500 South, east of SR 49

  • Pinkerton School located on the west side of County Road 650 East, one half mile north of 300 South

  • Bundy School located on west of Sturdy Road on the south side of Division Road.

  • Dilley School located north of County Road 150 South on Smoke Road

  • Tassinong School located on the west side of SR 49 about halfway between County Roads 500 South and 550 South. The village of Tassinong which was farther to the south.

Classes were held temporarily in the Adams’ Church in the fall of 1922 because of a few legal controversies concerning the new building. By the fall of 1924, the three story block building at the corner of 300 South and SR 49 opened its doors. The first commencement was held in 1925 with four graduates. The 57th commencement held in 1981 graduated 36 students. The 91st commencement in 2015 graduated 55 students.

Several building projects over the years have brought us to the current structure of our campus. Additions and renovations have occurred in 1954, 1961, 1964, 1969, 1977, 1981, 2000, 2009, 2013, and 2015.