
Good Morning Cherokees!

It's Thursday, March 6, 2025

Boys middle school track will have a call out meeting today during lunch in room D113

Tonight, in the Band Sign Up Night. 5th grade students who wish to join band will come to the band room to get information and have the opportunity to get an instrument.

Watkins fundraiser - donate money to help the family in need. You can purchased duck tape to tape Mr. Bucher to the wall or put a pie in Officer Knapp's face.

Need Senior baby pictures by Spring break. Contact Mrs. Tomak (jae.tomak@eastporter.k12.in.us)

11th grade SAT's - Please do not make any appointments for your students for 3/12/25. We want all students to be present.

Lunch: French toast, cheesy egg omelets, hash browns with 100% juice

Choice: Biscuits and gravy

Officer: Knapp