
Good Morning Cherokees!     

It’s Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tomorrow is an Elearning day.  Remember to take your chrome books home tonight and charge them up. We do take attendance for Elearning so please log on and do your assignments

On Thursday, March 6th, 3:30-6:30 pm is Band Sign Up Night. 5th grade students who wish to join Band will come to the Band Room to get information and have the opportunity to get an instrument.

Boys middle school track will have a call out meeting on Thursday March 6th during lunch.

Call outs are held in room D113.

This week is National School Breakfast week.  There will be new samples to try. Also, Students who purchase breakfast will be entered into a drawing to pick 1 ala carte item of their choice.

Drawings will be for each day.  One for Elementary, one for MS and one for HS. 

Do you consider yourself a good reader? Do your teachers always call on you to read out loud in class? Then speech might be for you. Speech and Debate Team Spring Callout is Tuesday, March 4 in Ms. Trussell-Smith's room during SRT! For interested students in grades 8-11.

Time to rally around the Watkins family, Morgan Township!  We are hosting two fun activities to raise money.  Starting Monday and through Thursday March 20th you can donate to duct tape Mr. Bucher to the cafeteria wall or put your name in a drawing to earn a chance to throw a pie at Officer Knapp!  These two activities will take place at both lunches on Friday March 21st.  Each activity starts at $1 per yard of duct tape or $1 per ticket to enter the pie drawing.  5 winners will be drawn to get the chance to pie Officer Knapp and we need at least 300 feet of duct tape to hold up Mr. Bucher!  The amazing part is that 100% of the proceeds will go to supporting the Watkins family.  Start gathering your dollar bills, donate either in the main office or find Mrs. Braun.  

Seniors!!!!  BABY pictures and SENIOR pictures are due before Spring Break for the graduation senior slideshow! Please start the search now by choosing your favorite pictures. We only need one of each. Email the pictures to Mrs. Tomak (jae.tomak@eastporter.k12.in.us). If you need help scanning in pictures, don't hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Tomak as well.

“Did you know: today, there are more people living in slavery than at any other time in history? But there's good news: we can be part of changing that. We can Fund Freedom. Sign up for the high school spike ball tournament or donate through the website being sent out on the announcements today to be part of this great cause!” There is a box for donations in the main office.


Just a reminder that  11th grade SAT’s are scheduled for 03/12/25 - please do not book any doctor appointments for this time.  We want all students to be present!

Lunch: Popcorn chicken, flavor station, rice, baked beans and a dinner roll

Choice: Boom Boom chicken

Officer:  Bauer
