
Good Morning Cherokees!    

It’s January 9th, 2025                                                       

The winner for the “Walk up Wednesday” is Makensie Duttlinger.

Attention Seniors:  Doug Kingsley will be here January 14th to measure for caps and gowns for graduation.  It will be the 1st hour and we will call you down to the cafeteria.

If there is a snow day on January 14th, Mr. Kingsley will be here the following day to fit everyone as well as talk about graduation products and gear!

Attention all free throw shooting champions!

The Knights of Columbus free throw competition is this weekend! On Sunday, January 12th, Tri-Township middle/high school will be hosting the event from 12:00 until it’s completion. If you are interested, please see the posters located in and next to the cafeteria!

FCA is hosting a personal care kit drive for Lutheran Church and we need your help!  We are collecting bath towels, toothbrushes, bars of soap and combs from now until January 31st.  Details are posted on fliers on donation boxes found in Mrs. Braun's room, Mrs. Thompson's Room, the library and main office.   

DECA Meeting on Friday January 10th at 7:15am.  This is a mandatory meeting about the competition this Saturday for everyone!  Please be on time!  Thank you! 

Happy Homecoming Week!  Ticket sales for the dance will resume before school and at lunch this week. The dance will begin at 7 p.m., and end at  9:30.  

As a reminder, doors will lock from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m., and anyone leaving early will need to have communication set up between their parents and Mr. Bucher or Ms. Bell. 

Voting for court has been sent in your email, so watch for the form!  

This week is spirit week.  

6 (Monday)              Spirit Day (PJ’s)

7 (Tuesday)             Spirit Day (Surfers or Bikers)

8 (Wednesday)        Spirit Day (Dress as Your Type)

9 (Thursday)            Spirit Day (USA!!)

10 (Friday)               Spirit Day (Neon)

Lunch: Chicken Patty sandwich, tater tots, romaine salad and carrots

Choice: Spicy chicken sandwich

Officer:  Damjanovic


Attention Cherokees

“The HS girls volleyball program will have their first open gym on February 4 from 5:15-7:15 PM in the main gym. Any current 8th graders interested in playing next year are welcome to attend.

The HS girls volleyball program will also be holding a fundraiser at Barnes and Noble in Valparaiso on February 1 from 10:30 AM- 12:00 PM. Come on out and support the program!”

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. 

And now for a moment of silence

Thank you and It’s a great day to be a Cherokee