Announcements 9/27
Good Morning Cherokees!
Friday, September 27th, 2024
****Chess club is canceled for Monday
This is a reminder for Middle School Art Club members: For today's meeting please check in with your SRT teacher first, then report to the Art room with your dues and tshirt order.
High School Speech and Debate
The High School Speech and Debate Team will begin practices Tuesday, October 1, 2:15-3:30. This will be our regularly scheduled practice time. If you missed the callout, but are still interested, there is still time to join. Check in with your SRT teacher first, and come to Ms. T-Smith's room.
Any girls in 6 - 8th grades looking to play basketball this year that missed the meeting, please see or email Coach Patz before the end of the week.
The next German club meeting is on Wednesday, October 2nd at 7 am.
Attention middle and high school drama club. If you would like to order a club shirt, forms are on the board in the cafeteria. This year we have a t-shirt, crew neck sweatshirt, and a hoodie available. Orders are due October 5.
College - Go week!! Fee Waivers: During this week, many Indiana colleges and universities offer free application submissions, which helps you save money on application fees. A link has been sent through the guidance google classroom to the CollegeGo! Website that provides seniors with the application link for every school in Indiana!
Lunch Menu: Delicious homemade cheese pizza, romaine salad, carrots and ice cream
Choice: Pepperoni Pizza
Officer: Brown